Wrap your hands. Keep in mind that punching is tough on your hands. Never punch the heavy bag without proper protection. Use a pair of reusable wraps and wrap your hands tightly and securely before every session. The wrapping should be tight enough to stay in place during heavy hitting, but not so tight that it hinders blood flow. Boxing gloves should fit tightly, and your hands should not move much, if at all, inside the gloves during training. You should wear light shoes with relatively thin soles, as you will be on your toes most of the time. Boxing shoes are best, but any shoes with a thin, light sole will work.
Warm up with light punches and footwork. Before you begin your hard, timed rounds, warm up with light punches. Practice single punches such as a jab or cross, or simple combinations, such as a jab followed by a cross. Do not stand in one spot while you punch; always move your feet. Treat the training session like a boxing match where you would constantly move to avoid getting hit by your opponent. This way you will warm up your entire body and prepare every major muscle group for the hard training to follow.
Work hard and heavy for short rounds. The best way to build strength is to work for relatively short periods to keep up the intensity. Don't punch the bag endlessly; this will only encourage you to throw lighter punches and move your feet less so you can last longer. Instead, work in three-minute rounds, trying to stay active throughout the entire round. Use combinations. Do not throw single punches; instead, work on proven combinations such as left jab, right cross, left, left; left jab, left jab, right hook; left jab, right cross, right upper cut, jab. After each punch move a little to the side or take a small step back, just as you would in an actual match to avoid getting hit. This will vastly improve your conditioning and help strengthen your entire body.
Hit specific targets. The heavy bag presents a large target and can entice you to throw lazy punches without aiming. Always pick specific targets and look where you are hitting. You can simply eye certain portions of the bag or place visual aids such as a few pieces of tape to represent an opponent's head, stomach and liver. This way you will avoid hitting the same spots on the bag over and over and get a more complete workout
Great post.
very useful, I've been punching the bag for years, and I didnt think of all this! followed+
ReplyDeletethanks for the tips!
ReplyDeleteNever thought about that 4th tip before
ReplyDeleteGreat Post.
ReplyDeleteThanks You