Friday, March 16, 2012

training gloves and sparring gloves


Just about every boxer has a pair of gloves that they use for all training purposes. When you go buy boxing gloves, you will see many different kinds advertised. The only ones you really need are TRAINING GLOVES or SPARRING GLOVES. Basically, training gloves are can be used for all types of boxing training like hitting the bags and sparring. Below are general guidelines for body-weight and size of boxing training gloves recommended.
120lbs & down  (12oz or 14oz)
120lbs – 150lbs (14oz – 16oz)
150lbs – 180lbs (16oz – 20oz)
180lbs & up (18oz & up)

Sparring Gloves

Sparring gloves are basically extra-padded training gloves so that you’re not hurting your sparring opponent.  Regardless of size or weight, hardly anyone ever spars with anything less than 16oz unless you’re a really small person (under 120 pounds). Theoretically, you COULD spar with 14oz gloves but then it wouldn’t prepare you for a competition fight if you compete with 16oz boxing gloves. If you weigh more than 175lbs lean muscle, you should spar with gloves no less than 18oz or 20oz. Don’t forget to watch out and make sure your opponent is not using smaller gloves than you because you will get hit harder by the unfair advantage.


  1. Damn these look expensive

  2. I like the design. Nice.

  3. i weight 143 lbs so i should buy the 12oz or 14oz training gloves!

  4. Wow, didn't know there was that much to it!
